Organic Food Tips & Tricks

Organic Food Tips & Tricks

Organic Food Tips & Tricks
Posted on August 17th, 2022

Eating organic is not always on everyone's radar, and the expense of organic fruits and vegetables may be occasionally discouraging. However, we feel that organic fruit and vegetable juicing should be considered. First, let's define exactly what organic implies. Organic farmers do not use chemical weed killers, herbicides, insecticides, antibiotics, or hormones; instead, they rely on natural fertilizers, beneficial insects and birds, and crop rotation.

Some fruits and vegetables contain more pesticides than others, thus it is essential to purchase organic versions of the food mentioned below. This is a fantastic method for minimizing pesticide exposure that is also quite economical.

  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Sweet Bell Peppers
  • Celery
  • Nectarines
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Pears
  • Grapes
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Potatoes

*Produce washed decreases pesticide levels but does not eliminate them entirely.

Some produce, like apples have a wax covering that seals in pesticide residues, whereas other fruits and vegetables have soft or waxy skins that let pesticides adhere to their surface. The most toxic pesticides are designed to be absorbed by plants in order to kill insects that feed on them. This indicates that the pesticides reside within the fruit and vegetables, therefore washing does not eliminate all pesticides.

Using basic washing techniques, you may remove a large proportion of surface insecticides. Listed below are some really basic methods for removing most pesticides from fruits and vegetables.


The outer covering of leafy greens should be scraped off and discarded. Then, fill a sink with cold water and add 120 milliliters of vinegar. Be careful to give them a thorough five-minute wash before rinsing them in a colander with cold water.

For broccoli and similar crops, it can be slightly more difficult to minimize pesticide use. It is recommended to immerse them in hot water for around 10 seconds, since this is just enough time to kill any harmful germs without boiling them. Similarly, place them in a sink filled with cold water and 120ml of vinegar. Don't forget to wash them to remove the vinegar.

Soft fruits should be cleaned immediately prior to consumption, since they are very quickly damaged or spoiled by cold water. You should rinse the fruit in a strainer and then soak it in cold water to remove any stubborn dirt. This should be repeated twice.

However, organic produce has far fewer pesticides than non-organic vegetables. We believe it is important to adhere to the aforementioned guidelines regardless of whether the product is organic. You will only know whether no pesticides have been applied if you raise your own fruits and vegetables or shop at local farmer's markets.

Regardless of whether you are juicing or blending, you should always wash your fruits and vegetables, because juicing removes the soluble fiber from the product. Studies have demonstrated that soluble fibre can shield the body against herbicides. If you cannot afford to go completely organic, consider blending organic fruits and vegetables high in fiber, such as apples or strawberries, and adding them to your juice. This will aid in protecting your digestive system from pesticides.

In addition to being free of pesticides, organic fruit typically has a better nutritional value since the vitamins and minerals have not been reduced by chemicals. This implies that the produce tastes better as a result. For instance, many individuals perceive organic cucumbers to be sweeter than their conventional counterparts. This is advantageous from a juicing viewpoint, since cucumber may be used to sweeten green juices in place of fruit, which is frequently heavy in sugar.

It is vital to utilize organic components while juicing since these liquids are absorbed into the body more faster than if the contents were eaten.

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